





1 Eoe Android开发者门户


网址: http://www.eoeandroid.com/portal.ph


简介: Android开发者必去的一个网站,可以及时了解android开发全球最新消息,同时也有最新手机软件开发业内报道有句很经典的话

网址: http://www.ydapp.com/

3 Android Police




简介:这个应该大家不陌生吧国内第一家移动APP广告商 ,广告单价很高

网址: http://www.youmi.net/



网址: http://labs.chinamobile.com/

Android Developer Income Report

A lot of people says that there is no real money in the Android development. They say that if you want to make money you should write for iPhone, iPad and all other iThings… This is not true! I am not a one of guys that is making thousands of dollars but my income seems to be steady and is still growing.

Moreover I am not one of top developers nor any of my apps have been promoted by Android Market. I am just an one among of thousands of Android developers with not to well known apps. And what may be really surprising all my apps are free as Google do not allow developers from my country (Poland) to sell apps via Android Market!

So keep in mind these facts:

  1. None of my apps has been ever promoted in Top of Android Market
  2. I am providing only free apps (mostly due of Android Market limitations)
  3. Even if I would be able to sell apps I would not use it as main income source… (I believe that you still can make more from ads…)

All my income comes from ads that are included in my mobile apps for Android. Here is the list with current number of downloads:

  1. X-Ray Scanner (over 268 000 downloads)
  2. Cracked Screen (over 182 000 downloads)
  3. Virtual Drums (over 20 000 downloads)
  4. Daily Beauty Tips (over 11 000 downloads)
  5. Don’t push it (over 6 500 downloads)
  6. WP Stats (over 4 000 downloads)

I have started to learn Android Development on April 2010. My first application was ready to be published on May. And it bring me first few dollars… I was not satisfied as I have been expecting that this app (WP Stats) will be really popular… Unfortunately it wasn’t… Anyway I have published a few more apps that got a lot more popularity… So here is my total income breakdown:

  • May 2010 – $4.92
  • June 2010 – $138.87
  • July 2010 – $538.26
  • August 2010 – $920.00
  • September 2010 – $1545.45
  • October 2010 – $1059.31

October looks to be lower in earning but it happened only because I have not been updating any of my apps in this month (I have been moving to new house and had no time for it…).

So as you may see income has not been high on the begging but with each month with regular updates and new apps it has been growing very rapidly!

And I will say it again… I have not made a single cent from selling apps – all my income is only from ads. This month I am preparing new updates for my apps and I am finalizing some new ideas… so my income should start growing up again…

All comments are welcome and very desired.

Android application四大组件的作用



Content Provider:是Android提供的第三方应用数据的访问方案,可以派生Content Provider类,对外提供数据,可以像数据库一样进行选择排序,屏蔽内部数据的存储细节,向外提供统一的借口模型,大大简化上层应用,对数据的整合提供了更方便的途径

BroadCast Receiver:接受一种或者多种Intent作触发事件,接受相关消息,做一些简单处理,转换成一条Notification,统一了Android的事件广播模型


对于Android平台,很多网友可能考虑开发一个软件商店,对于Android平台上如何实现断点续传操作呢? 这里给大家一些思路和原理的介绍,同时在Android手机上要考虑的一些事情。

1. 流量控制,获取运营商的接入方式,比如说使用移动网络接入,尽可能的提示用户切换WiFi或提示,限制下载的流量以节省话费。

2. 屏幕锁控制,屏幕锁屏后导致应用会被挂起,当然Android提供了PowerManager.WakeLock来控制。

3. 对于断点续传,这要追溯到Http 1.1的特性了,主要是获取文件大小,如果这个无法读取的话,那么就无法断点续传了只能使用chunked模式了,当然获取远程服务器上文件的大小可以通过Http的响应头查找Content-Length。

4. 获取上次文件的更改时间,对于断点续传来说比较有风险的就是 继续下载的文件和早期下载的在server上有变动,这将会导致续传时下载的文件版本和原始的不同,一般有两种解决方法,早期我们配置服务器时通过Last-Modified这个http header获取文件上次修改时间,不过本次Android开发网推荐使用更为强大的ETag,ETag一般用于解决同一个URL处理不同返回相应,比如Session认证,多国语言,以及部分黑帽的SEO中。具体的实现大家可以参考RFC文档。

5. 考虑服务器的3xx的返回,对于专业的下载文件服务器会考虑到负载平衡问题,这就涉及到重定向问题,处理重定向使用Android的Apache库处理比较好。

6. 至于多线程,这里CWJ提示大家可能存在独立的线程下载一个文件,和多个线程分块下载单个文件之分,其中后者需要考虑上次下载数据是否存在问题,同时如果服务器不支持文件大小获取,则无法通过分段下载数据,因为不知道如何分段,所以在chunked模式中,只能使用一个线程下载一个文件,而不是多个线程下载一个文件。

7. 下载后的数据效验,可以考虑CRC等方式,当然对于一般的传输只要逻辑不出现问题,基本上不会有偏差。

8. 考虑DRM问题,这个问题在国内用的比较少,而国外的受数字保护的音乐和视频,需要额外的获取证书等。

9. 重试次数,对于一个文件可能在本次网络传输中受到问题,尤其是移动网络,所以可以设置一定的重试次数,让任务单独的走下去。

10. 线程开发方式,这里如果你的Java基础比较好,推荐直接使用Java并发库API比较好,如果过去只做过Java开发使用Thread即可,如果Java技术不过关可以Android封装的AsyncTask。


A Letter From Baby to Mother after Abortion !!!


Dear Mommy,

I am in Heaven now… I so wanted to be your little girl. I don’t quite understand what has happened. I was so excited when I began realizing my existance. I was in a dark, yet comfortable place. I saw I had fingers and toes. I was pretty far along in my developing, yet not near ready to leave my surroundings. I spent most of my time thinking or sleeping. Even from my earliest days, I felt a special bonding between you and me.

Sometimes I heard you crying and I cried with you. Sometimes you would yell or scream, then cry. I heard Daddy yelling back. I was sad, and hoped you would be better soon. I wondered why you cried so much. One day you cried almost all of the day. I hurt for you. I couldn’t imagine why you were so unhappy.

That same day, the most horrible thing happened. A very mean monster came into that warm, comfortable place I was in. I was so scared, I began screaming, but you never once tried to help me. Maybe you never heard me. The monster got closer and closer as I was screaming and screaming, “Mommy, Mommy, help me please; Mommy, help me.” Complete terror is all I felt. I screamed and screamed until I thought I couldn’t anymore. Then the monster started ripping my arms off. It hurt so bad; the pain I can never explain. It didn’t stop.

Oh, how I begged it to stop. I screamed in horror as it ripped my leg off.

Though I was in such complete pain, I was dying. I knew I would never see your face or hear you say how much you love me. I wanted to make all your tears go away. I had so many plans to make you happy. Now I couldn’t; all my dreams were shattered. Though I was in utter pain and horror, I felt the pain of my heart breaking, above all. I wanted more than anything to be your daughter. No use now, for I was dying a painful death. I could only imagine the terrible things that they had done to you. I wanted to tell you that I love you before I was gone, but I didn’t know the words you could understand.

And soon, I no longer had the breath to say them; I was dead. I felt myself rising. I was being carried by a huge angel into a big beautiful place. I was still crying, but the physical pain was gone. The angel took me away to a wonderful place… Then I was happy. I asked the angel what was the thing was that killed me. He answered, “Abortion”. I am sorry, for I know how it feels.” I don’t know what abortion is; I guess that’s the name of the monster. I’m writing to say that I love you and to tell you how much I wanted to be your little girl. I tried very hard to live. I wanted to live. I had the will, but I couldn’t; the monster was too powerful. It sucked my arms and legs off and finally got all of me. It was impossible to live. I just wanted you to know I tried to stay with you. I didn’t want to die. Also, Mommy, please watch out for that abortion monster. Mommy, I love you and I would hate for you to go through the kind of pain I did. Please be careful.

Your Baby Girl


This Is Dedicated To The Memory Of All The Aborted Babies Throughout The World. Please pass this on to as many people as u can… If u have a heart u will… I post it to here, coz I know u have a heart n will post it to others, so that they will know what happens to their child and all the pain the baby goes through when they abortion their baby




第三次黑屏个阵,去咗HP维修点,话我系境外机,无得保修,要换主板1500+250,我马上SAY NO。走人。













哈哈。。两日无见嘅XP login窗口。。。







12蚊+3+0.1 = 15.1元。




作为一个技术出身的创业者,其长处当然是技术,对自己如何运用技术做出自己心目中的理想产品有把握和信心。不过你的项目能否成功,并不只看你的能力最强那一部分,还要看你的短板是什么,这短板,可能是市场、可能是运营、也可能是组建团队的能力… 总之,技术之外,或许都是你的短板。

很少有人想过,这个短板是怎么产生的。我在这里想说的是,你的短板恰恰因为你你的技术背景形成的,短板就在于你对技术的过度迷恋和自信。这么说肯定很多人不服气,好吧,你是否觉得花一周时间解决一个技术问题远比花一个小时向别人介绍你的产品更加容易 — 而后者是你不想做也不屑做的事情。每当看到别人做到产品不如你居然还超过了你的时候,可能多数技术出身的创业者想到的是: 我再开发一个更牛的功能或许就让对手望尘莫及了。




原文网址: http://www.dbanotes.net/startup/Programmer_Startup.html